Friday, September 18, 2009

balik kampung

we are flying tonight to KL to celebrate Eid in Penang & Kedah. here wishing all of you.

selamat hari raya

maaf zahir & batin

made this dates steam cake for my mum & m.i.l.
sedap ni. try it!


  1. Selamat Aidilfitri. Jangan lupa singgah KTK.

  2. eh dah siap kek!! mesti org kampung suka...

  3. awang - kelmarin pi ziarah mak kat kampung. dia sihat...siap tapau kuah ros & kuih sepit :)

    huda - orang kampung suka babe!!

  4. Legalah sikit. Aku rasa macam dia kesunyian. Orang tua kot.

  5. masa kami pi rumah kak dok ada. lepaih tu ada orang mai. tak tau sapa. tapi muka anak dara dia muka siam habih!

    kira happening lah jugak time tu...

  6. assalamualaikum mala. i trace back your url from my tracking widget. thanks for listing my blog here. and salam aidilfitri.

    p/s: why is it your shoutbox is locked? i can't leave a message there.

  7. waalaikumsalam kakchik & selamat hari raya
    tq for dropping by. I am your silent reader..hehehe *segan*. mencari inspirasi kehidupan & perubahan diri ke arah yang lebih baik.

    shoutbox to locked ke..saya pun x perasan

  8. some times i'm also a silent reader in many blogs, looking for the same thing.

    i've tried a few times using the shoutbox but to no avail. the message is, the shoutbox is locked.



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